Document Library


Council Documents

Document Name Date Added
2019 - 2020 Directory 2020-02-12

Membership Forms

Document Name Date Added
2018-2019 Renewal 2018-06-12
Sponsor 2016-2017 2016-08-28

Past Events

Document Name Date Added
Digital Assets 2016-08-28
40 - House Estate Tax Proposal Sept 16 2021 2021-10-20
C. Ian Mclachlan 2016-08-28
Trust and Fiduciary Services from Bank of America 2021-01-20
Fiduciaries and Firearms - Outline 2016-08-28
March 12, 2013 Dinner Meeting 2014-02-23
Stefania L. Bartlett, Esq. 2019-08-25
Ben Maini, CPA - Exit Planning from your business 2023-11-15
Daniel L. Daniels 2014-02-23
Ben Maini, CPA 2023-11-10
Margot Navins
image.png (327K)
Michael T. Clear, Esq. 2022-05-06
Daniel G. Johnson 2019-08-25
EP for Modern Families 2022-02-11
Estate Planning for Digital Assets 2016-08-28
Recission Article LISI Sep 27 2021.pdf (303KB) 2021-10-20
Nick Perna-Economic Review 2016-08-28
Secure Act and Post Election Estate Planning 2021-01-21
Breakfast Meeting - May 20 2016-08-28
Estate Planning Services in a Low Interest Rate Enviornment 2021-01-20
The Affordable Care Act - What You Need to Know 2014-02-23
Cara Howe Santoro, Esq. 2019-08-25
Tony Wimperisi, CPA - Business Valuation 2023-11-15
David T. Liebell 2014-02-23
David W. Thal, Esq. 2019-08-25
Tony Wimperisi, CPA 2023-11-10
Canon Teleconference 2020-05-10
Timothy Klimpl, Esq. 2023-09-27
Julie Daniel Biography 2020-05-10
EP for Modern Families Outline 2022-02-11
Estate Planning Consider Proposed Law Changes Oct 18 2021.pptx (171KB) 2021-10-20